More, Box 29, 1947

Joel’s attempts to photograph through a storefront window stood out in the remainder of this box. It is notoriously difficult to get the subject right because of the reflections. I do sense this was a photography class assignment.

And these reflections, in addition to see-through opportunities, can give us additional clues.

Storefront window display, 1947

There’s a partial “C & R Service” reflection in the window while the glass-box display reveals a “Associated” in reverse.

Storefront window display, 1947 – C & R Service across the street

Both images above were printed at some point in time.

Storefront window, 1947, corner of Center Court and Pacific Avenue

In the last image, we clearly see Joel reflected in the glass at left. He’s holding a fairly boxy camera up at eye level, looking through a range finder. So clearly not a Graflex Super D Press, but more likely a rangefinder coupled Graflex Speed or a Graflex Crown Graphic, very popular press cameras at the time. (The “official” Naranjado photographers Bob Pardis and Marshall WIndmiller are featured sporting these cameras in the Naranjado COP yearbooks 1946 through 1948.)

The second story in the reflections relates to clues to the location of this storefront.

The first image gives us “C & R Service” and “Associated” as window reflections.

“C & R Service” definitely looks like a gas station and we can find 2405 Pacific Avenue as its address in the 1949-50 Stockton-Lodi City registry. (This address still exists, it is now Round Table Pizza.) Cross street is Center Court.

Joel wouldn’t be Joel it he didn’t photograph team sports at SJC/COP.

Assorted images, one day time image, few night time. Few of these images were printed.

Football SJC/COP, 1947-48 (Printed)
Football SJC/COP, 1947-1948
Football SJC/COP, 1947-1948
Caption this ! SJC/COP 1947-1948
Half-Time, SJC/COP, 1947-1948

And closing this post with unrelated images, presumably in the 1947-1948 time frame.

Baton twirling, somewhere in Stockton, 1947-1948
Baton twirling, somewhere in Stockton, 1947-1948

Like I said, Joel didn’t throw much away.

Cheers !

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