Fort Ross, Ektachrome, 1970

It’s good to see images of Fort Ross that are over 50 years old. Time has not been kind to these Ektachrome slides and all are affected by fading and significant color shift. (They are in rough shape.)

Still, it’s clear that this is a friendly photographer’s outing to go check out some of our California history. This could have very well been one of the Stockton Camera Club outings. Joel was a founding member in 1947.

Borrowing from the Fort Ross Conservancy website:

Fort Ross is a California State Historic Park showcasing a historic Russian-era fort compound designated a National Historic Landmark.

Russians settled on the ancestral Kashia Pomo lands called Metini and the Kashia are still very much a part of the community today. Located 11 miles north of Jenner on scenic California Highway One, Fort Ross is surrounded by sandy beaches, panoramic coves, and redwood forests, with breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean.

Salt Point State Park, 8 miles north of Fort Ross, covers 6,000 acres on the coast of Northern California, with two campgrounds, 20 miles of hiking trails, and over 6 miles of rocky coastline. These destinations offer pristine landscapes, recreation and camping, fascinating history, underwater parks with fishing, shipwrecks, and scuba diving, and more.

I’ll let the August 1970 images speak for themselves.

Fort Ross, August 1970
Fort Ross, August 1970
And there is food … observe the cameras on the table. Circa August 1970
Fort Ross, August 1970, and another camera in sight.
Fort Ross, August 1970
Pacific Ocean at Fort Ross, circa August 1970
Fort Ross, August 1970, mill grinding stone in the foreground
Fort Ross, overview of the grounds, August 1970
Fort Ross, August 1970
Fort Ross, August 1970

Seems like a visit to the Salt Point State Parks to check the current status of conservation is in order.

Cheers !


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